Trabex offers a variety of reports for shipment data.

  • Client Product Master Report
  • Entity Master Report
  • Open Shipments

  • Shipment Brief Summary Report

  • Shipment Product Detail Report

  • Shipment Summary Report

  • Data Summaries by date

    • Total Shipments, which displays very simply the number of Total Shipments by Consignee (Closed Shipments), which shipments created.
      displays the number of closed shipments by consignee, including the import country for each, and a total

    • Total Shipments by Import Country, which displays the number of shipments by import country and a total.

    • Total Shipments by Inco Term (Closed Shipments), which displays the number of shipments by inco term and a total.

    • Total Shipments by Carrier (Closed Shipments), which displays the number of shipments by carrier and a total.

    • Total Shipments Created by User, which displays the number of shipments that have been closed each user has created.

    • Total Shipments Emailed by User, which displays the number of shipments each user has emailed and a total. Note that only a shipment here only counts for the last person who emailed documents for that shipment.

    • Value Summary (All Shipments), which displays the total value of all shipments for the selected period.

    • Value Summary (Closed Shipments), which displays the total value of all closed shipments for the selected period.

    • Value Summary (Closed Shipments) by Import Country, which displays the total value of closed shipments broken down by the import (destination) country.

For more information, check out the Trabex User Guide.

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